Have you ever felt like you should be doing better than you are?

There’s nothing more frustrating than putting tons of time, energy, and money into a brilliant business idea only to see it stuck at a dream-stalling plateau. #beenthere 

You’ve done the hard part of deciding which of your fifty great ideas is the best business for you . . . you’ve built the dang thing from scratch (kudos, by the way!) . . . heck, you’ve even made substantial sales that old you would have been super stoked about . . . 

But for some reason you’re just not satisfied.

You’re feeling “meh” about the whole thing when you want to feel “WOOHOO!” about this incredible business you’ve built.


Not everyone feels that pang for more. Most people are satisfied with good enough, but not you, my friend. You want to see this thing go from “languish” to “thriving” because you know it has the potential to be big. REALLY BIG.

That dissatisfaction is the difference between having a side hustle that brings in a little extra cash to pay for pilates and a REAL business that can actually allow you to quit your day job or sluff off all those side gigs and give you the financial freedom to pursue (and possibly even fund) your passions. 

You got into this whole entrepreneur thing because you wanted to have freedom . . . . not to put in a million hours grinding away at something that just barely pays the bills. You were already doing that without all the risk and expense of running your own business. 

What if there was a system that you could easily implement to take your existing business and scale it to six or even seven figures? 

No “throw the baby out with the bathwater” start-over-from-scratch your-tech-stack-is-all-wrong mumbo jumbo . . . just small strategic changes you could make that will make a massive impact on sales.

Envision a (not so distant) future where your business is thriving on it’s own without a ton of your time. You’re off making your art or building a family or traveling the world with this new found freedom. 









You shouldn’t have to sacrifice so much just because you’re a creative passionate person . . . in fact, you should get PAID for those traits! Those elements of your personality are why entertainment entrepreneurs make some of the BEST business people out there without ever going to business school!

Think about it . . . we’re scrappy, and hungry . . . and some of us are young :-) Your experience working in the entertainment industry, be it as an actor, a writer, filmmaker, whatever, has uniquely prepared you for being an entrepreneur. You can turn a small budget into something brilliant, your creativity has no limits, people seem to gravitate towards you, you can handle rejection . . . just to name a few!

“So what am I doing wrong? Why haven’t I already achieved show stopping success? you ask.  

As an artist or entertainment professional you’ve been sold a bunch of BS over the years that being a starving artist is romantic, that you’re a sell out if you try to make money off of your talents, that people do things for free so you should too, that your talent and skills aren’t of value, that your art will never pay the bills, that you’re lucky to book a gig...

Does any of this sound frighteningly familiar? 

These limiting beliefs are just part of what’s been holding you back without even knowing it. So what do you need to be able to knock down the seemingly insurmountable barriers standing in your way? 

All you need to really kick some business a$$ is a proven system for scaling and support from someone who’s run a few marathons in your shoes and now takes an Uber because she can afford it (and a personal trainer) ;-)

Take my student, Ela Thier, for example. Ela is a filmmaker and screenwriter who started her own online school teaching others how to write and make films as a way to fund her projects. She had created sound systems for a predictable income, but she knew she had the potential to dramatically increase her revenue.

After working together in a limited capacity for three weeks she was able to triple her income with some minor changes to her launch strategy. 

It took Ela three years to build her business, and just three weeks to fan the flame to become a roaring fire with the information she learned from our few sessions together.


Without the equity stake :-)

I’ve taken the most powerful marketing, mindset, and business strategies that I’ve learned from studying with the top marketing talent in the country as well as starting and scaling three six-figure businesses of my own, plus several six and seven figure businesses for my clients, and infused them into my FLAME Formula.


The wealth of information and experience I’ve compiled over the last 7+ years is distilled into a step-by-step system that will turn your business into a financial freedom-generating machine. 

The F.L.A.M.E. Formula Helps With



Get in the right mindset for growth, so you’re ready to take the big leap



Discover small opportunities in your branding and marketing that make a massive impact



Create Compelling and Scalable Offers that Sell

Revenue Models 

Learn how to Increase Your Income Potential Through Proven Revenue Models 

Enrollment is now open for Charter Members!

Apply Now!

Ready to Take the Big Leap?

Our charter members will get access to the FLAME Formula, which walks you through the system, strategies, and concepts I’ve used to scale my businesses in 8 modules, 24+ video lessons, and 10 werksheets to help you implement what you’ve learned FAST.

This signature course includes in-depth training on:

Week 1: Six Figure Mindset

Week 2: Financial Foundations

Week 3: Launches

Week 4: Ascension

Week 5: Models

Week 6: Eighty Twenty

Week 7: Building Your Team

BONUS Week 8: Business Case Study 

You didn't think that was it, did you? 

Plus Members Get…

  • 50 minutes of strategy consulting with ME to create a fast-action plan 

  • Access to the F.L.A.M.E. Forum where you can post questions, request material review, get strategy feedback, and more directly from me for 12 months

  • Invitation to join weekly group coaching calls on Zoom to ask questions, get feedback, troubleshoot challenges, and more for 12 months

I’ve generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue using my FLAME Formula to scale three of my own businesses and more for clients, and guarantee it will work for you too. 

In fact . . . I guarantee that if you enroll in the FLAME Formula and complete all the lessons of the FLAME course, engage in the weekly coaching sessions and FLAME Forum, and don’t AT LEAST make your money back, I’ll refund you in full. 

I also guarantee that if you continue grinding away the way you’ve been that you’ll get the same results. 




The FLAME Formula is NOT a get rich quick “scheme” and it’s not right for everyone. 


The FLAME Formula Is NOT right for you if:

    • You’re starting a business from scratch
    • You’re unsure of the viability of your business concept
    • You’ve never spent a dollar on advertising and don’t plan to
    • You’re unwilling to invest in your business
    • You’re disinterested in trying new strategies or exploring new ideas
    • You have a defeatist throw-in-the-towel attitude

The Flame Formula IS right for you if:

    • You have a business built (even if it's new!)
    • You are currently generating revenue of $2,500+ per month
    • You’re open to exploring proven strategies for adding revenue streams 
    • You want systems for identifying opportunities in your marketing 
    • You want support and mentorship based on 7+ years of experience

What Clients Have Said . . .